Working on Connecting the Community

Thank you to all who attended the KBA’s Connecting the Community: TOD Luncheon, on Friday, October 12.

Harrison Rue and Renee Espiau from Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) shared with us the future vision of the Kalihi area development. They discussed the short-term projects that will impact us in the near future as well as projects that will affect the community 30-40 years down the line.

We plan to continue to organize these types of events to keep you informed of the coming changes that could impact you, your business, and the neighborhood.

You can download a copy of the PowerPoint presentation from the Connecting the Community: TOD Luncheon here. Below are some images from the luncheon. We hope to see you at the next event!


TOD Luncheon1

TOD Luncheon2

TOD Luncheon3

TOD Luncheon4

TOD Luncheon5